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Tips for online Voicemail box


Cannot play or download voicemail in end user page or PBX admin page.

Please provide instructions.

1: Voicemail download:
Click the folder icon in Chrome. It will download the file.

However, this html5 download feature only works in Chrome 14 and Firefox 20.0 and Opera 15.0 above, as of written today. If you browser doesn't support it, please right click the folder and choose 'save as' or 'save target as'

2: Play voicemail file:
Click the 'play' icon, it should automatically pop-up an window to play the voicemail.

However, since the voicemail is recorded as compressed Ulaw wav format, it may not play in some of the browser depend on your plug-in settings and support. In that case, please download it and play with your player on your local machine.

Vidanetwork Technologies, Inc.

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Article details
Article ID: 27
Category: How do I ...
Date added: 2015-06-15 13:11:30
Views: 572
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (82)

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