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Can I use multiple SIP device to register one account


I have different kinds of SIP devices, SIP video phone, PC soft phone and Zoiper on my cell phone. I'd like to have them all ring together, so I can pickup the call by any of them. Can I register them by one account on your system?

Answer: SIP protocol allows only one device to register to one account. You cannot do that. However, you can use our Ring Group feature to ring all of them at once. You can even ring any PSTN numbers too. 

To add a new ring group, you need to log into your business admin portal, click on the "Ring Group" on the left.

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Article details
Article ID: 29
Category: Business Administrator Portal
Date added: 2016-01-23 09:20:43
Views: 1687
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (77)

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