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Major features and advantages of our Provissiong Service


Major Features:

1.      Server Side (Provisioning Server)

·        Cloud service, standalone, no deployment/configurations on client side.

·         Server Admin account login/logout

·        PV User Account management and login authentication

·        Device templates management

·        Management of all configured devices (Edit, and Delete???)

2.      Client Side

·        PV account login/logout in system admin

·        Each PV account can be used or logged in from multiple vCloud platforms.

·         Each PV account can retrieve and manage all of its configured IP devices, but not IP devices configured by other PV accounts.

·        Each IP devices can be moved across vCloud servers

·        IP devices with multiple lines can be assigned multiple extensions, even across PBXes.

·        IP devices can be added/managed by either PBX admin or system admin.


      It's a cloud service, no deployment or upfront purchase. You need one account to manage/configure all of your IP phones. These IP phones can be registered on different SIP servers. IP phones with multiple lines can register to multiple servers. In another word, you can even let people to share IP phone lines across multiple server.

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Article details
Article ID: 30
Category: General
Date added: 2016-12-13 12:20:04
Views: 1141
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (71)

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