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SIP security


To avoid $100,000 phone bill, securing your SIP network is a "Must". There are many ways to protect your SIP network on the Internet. But none of them will stop the hackers completely. You need to constantly monitoring the activities on your server. 

The vCloud ACL Sets introduce a new way to define Access Control Lists (ACLs) in a multitenant environment. The ACLs can be shared across multiple objects (consumers), like User Accounts, Gateway Accounts, Manager Interface and etc. The vCloud software supports run-time updates of ACL rules that can be consumed by multiple objects.

The primary goal for Named ACL Sets is to provide users a way to create commonly used ACL profiles (ACL Sets). These ACL Sets can be used wherever ACLs are consumed without the need to duplicate the list each time it is used. This will make the creation and maintenance of complex ACLs an easier, less error prone process.


See the attached sample screenshot.

acl.jpg acl.jpg

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Related articles ACL for SIP call security
Article details
Article ID: 45
Category: Problems and Troubleshooting
Date added: 2019-09-07 03:38:19
Views: 2933
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (52)

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