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What's your price of your products and the support contracts?


There are two types of the products, one is hosted in our network (cloud services), the other is purchased and deployed in your network. If you sign up for our cloud based services, you just need to pay for the monthly service fees. If you purchase our software products you get one year product warranty and free bug fixes. In addition, you are highly recommended to sign up our basic and advanced annual support contracts. The basic support covers 2 hours online training, minor upgrades, free email supports, health check and etc. Other services will be covered in the advanced support packages. Please contact us and find our more details of the pricing and support packages.

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Article details
Article ID: 20
Category: General
Date added: 2014-12-13 18:10:31
Views: 899
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (78)

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